Anne-Marie Ronsen | Press Release: Regardless Of How You Feel, Go Get Motivated!

Regardless Of How You Feel, Go Get Motivated!
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What sets successful people apart from the pack? Is it luck, money, good lucks, and/or talent?

No, it is one small simple fact - motivation.

People who are successful all share one trait - they are motivated.

Of course, motivation really isn't simple at all. That is why there is
multi-billion industry focused on self-help books, tapes, seminars,
camps, and coaches.

There is just one problem with using these methods. When it comes to
motivation one size does not fit all. One of the elements that makes
human beings so endlessly fascinating is that we are all individuals. It
is the primary reason our species has been so successful. It also means
we each have different interests, goals, and motivation.

Furthermore, since you've been seeking some way to gain wealth, let me say this. You've just found it.

It's called action.

- appropriate action in response to the problems and tragedies you see
around you can make you not only a better person, but a very rich one as
well. It can allow you to provide far greater aid to those in need than
you could ever accomplish with an aching heart alone.

And the profits from your actions will help you stay in business long-term so you can continue helping your fellowman.

you may already be running a business. If so, you're providing people
with some kind of solution to their problems. Are you being well paid
for your solutions?

If so, that's good.

But if you're not being well rewarded for your efforts, there are only three possible reasons.

1. You're not telling enough people about yourself.

2. You're not very convincing because you don't believe you're very good at what you do.

3. You may not be solving problems that are big or urgent enough. This is probably the most common limit.

The biggest need today is for people who will do what you and I can't (or won't) do for ourselves. This includes people who make us feel better.

the relative public value of a heart surgeon versus a sales clerk. A
captivating entertainer or sports figure versus an office cleaner. A
brilliant attorney versus a typist.

not my intention to demean anybody who is fulfilling any useful role in
society. But the smaller paydays almost always go to the person who is
more easily replaced. If nearly anybody can be quickly trained to do the
job, there's lots of competition for that slot, and so the price goes

This is basic
economics, right? We already know all of this. But if we already know
it, why do we so seldom apply it to our own life? Why aren't we
qualifying ourselves for the absolute top spot in our respective

In many cases, it's because we unthinkingly shy away from "responsibility."
We're scared of a bigger role... a higher profile. We keep ourselves
small because... well... we just do, that's all. For example, can you
tell me exactly why you're not the top authority in your industry? Can I
tell why I'm not?

We do know the answer to that, though, don't we?

It's basically cowardice.
We're scared spitless of making ourselves uncomfortable through doing
things that we're not sure we can do perfectly. If we tried something
big and super-ambitious, oh my goodness, what if we didn't do it very

We don't like to take chances.
Don't enjoy big measures of ambiguity in the things we do. So instead,
we plod along like cows coming in from the pasture at evening, regular
as clockwork, utterly predictable - and dependant upon whomever feeds us
at the end of the day.

Cows don't take big chances. Neither do sheep.
They stay close to the same territory day after day, year after year,
clustered together, acting just alike, grazing placidly, never having
any grand adventures. There are few opportunities in the fenced-in
pasture. Just eat and sleep and grow old.

but the venturing soul slips through the fence, goes into unknown
territory, and seeks out new things to do. Among us humans, we admire
most the men and women who push past the barriers to new territory.
Record-setting athletes. Inventive new artists and writers. Bold leaders
who set new directions and escort the rest of us into new fields.
Explorers in medicine, literature, flight, business, sports.

People who go out seeking new places to find, new levels to achieve, new problems to solve.


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Final Thoughts...

you want your income and your life to expand, you're going to have to
explore. Go out there past the edge of what you already know, past the
comfortable, to a place where you're unsure what your outcome is going
to be.

You, in a very real sense, become a gambler. But you will be gambling on the only thing in the universe that's worth the action - yourself.

has been said that the real reason for becoming rich and successful is
not the money or the fame. It's the joy of being the person you have to
become in order to achieve those goals of yours.

Know this: You'll never achieve those goals as you are now.

You really must become a whole different person. A bigger person. A stronger, more capable person.

And how do you do that? You stretch yourself. You make yourself uncomfortable, and you stay that way until you grow into it.

Figure out what you want, put a plan together to achieve it, understand the cost, believe in yourself then go and get it!

Regardless Of How You Feel, Go Get Motivated! Make the commitment to take action TODAY!


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